With Group Management by ASET, instructors and group leaders can effortlessly provide students with access to their ASET accounts and certification materials.
Provided in each student account is a full study guide, unlimited practice exams and three certification exam attempts. Our learning management system provides users with instant exam results and proof of certification.
Watch the video to learn how Group Management works.
Once you’ve partnered your organization with ASET, you will need to appoint one or multiple Group Leaders. Group Leaders are those who have administrative access to Group Management, allowing them to create new accounts, reset user passwords and monitor progression. Group Leaders are usually program administrators or Certified EKG Instructors.
We will work directly with your program administrator or Certified EKG Instructor to ensure that they are proficient in using our automated learning management system. This will allow your group leader to provide their students with ASET accounts and certification materials at the time they choose.
The system is monitored analytically to ensure that users are unable to use any other resources while taking their final exam. Users are prohibited from going to other websites, having other document files open or leaving their exam inactive for any amount of time. This allows users to take their certification exam online, at any time, from any device.
ASET has a team of program developers who are dedicated to guiding our new partners through the process of proctoring certification exams. Our partner packages for schools and institutions provide certification credits and fixed rate pricing that allows your business to increase revenue by proctoring certification exams. This is done by implementing the full cost of the ASET certification program into the overall cost of your program, ensuring that your students have paid for their certification materials upfront.
Certification credits do not expire. These credits translate to available seats that can be assigned to students in group management. When an organization has used all of their credits/seats, the cost to add additional will be the fixed rate determined by the partnership tier for the duration of the annual agreement. An organization can advance to a higher tier at anytime.
The price your organization pays per certification is determined by the partnership tier selected. There are three pricing tiers for schools and institutions to choose from. Click here to see our tiered pricing plans.
The first step is to submit the partnership application form. You will be assigned to a program developer who will determine your eligibility and help you decide which pricing tier will be the most beneficial for your organization.
When you choose to proctor your student’s certification with ASET, we provide you with state of the art tools offered by no other agency.
The choice is clear. The future of EKG competency testing is with the American Society of EKG Technicians.